The Abbess Jikō Simone Wolf

Jikō Wolf

A disciple of Master Taisen Deshimaru, Jikō Simone Wolf practiced with him in Paris and at La Gendronnière, and owes her entry into the Way (tokudo – nun ordination) to him.

In 1982, she set up a Zen center in La Chaux-de-Fonds. In 2004, she received Dharma transmission from Yuko Okamoto Roshi and became a member of the official Sôtô Zen teachers in Europe.

With the practitioners who have gathered around her over the years, in 2009 she founded Kōsetsu-ji Zen Temple, of which she is abbess and where she currently resides. 

Jikō Simone Wolf teaches Zen in every moment of daily life, during zazen and in teachings given at sesshin, retreats and workshops.

She is also a member of the spiritual council and board of directors of the Association Zen Internationale, and for many years has directed sesshin and workshops at the Zen temple of La Gendronnière, where she was abbess for 2 years.